Last night my husband and I had a party with a few friends and we watched the above movie Coraline we got all cosy on the couch with blankets and hot tea dimmed the lights and embarked on a real adventure in front of our giant flat screen tv, it was better than the movies I tell ya, oh and the movie absolutely great I loved it, although there were times in the movie it got beyond bizarre it was intensely creative none the less and I was loving it. Did I mentioned that we watched it in 3-D? Yeah, we did, we totally nerded out on the couch with those ridiculous looking things on our heads and it was a beautiful thing ladies and gentlemen 3-D is the way to go when watching this movie! I will be adding this to my collection of the beloved dvd collection soon, check it out for your self, especially if you have a creative mind beyond imagination you will love it!!!
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