I can't believe it is only 24 days until I become 26! I have no shortage of ideas for what I want for my birthday though...sad huh, I just love so many things and to me "things" are experiences and experiences are what is most important anyway right? So here is one of the things I have my eye on is called "count me healthy jewerly" and it's a bracelet that counts your health goals or whatever goals you want it to count with these small beads that slide from side to side, easy peesy just slide a bead over when you accomplish one of the goals throughout your day. They really have made it easier than ever to keep track of how many glasses of water you are drinking a day or kicking a Dr. Pepper habit (which by the way I need to do)...word has it that this bracelet was featured at this years Grammy Awards as well, so apparently now I really have to have one! Ryan if your reading this I've done the hard work for you honey.
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